Roscich & Marel Law Firm, LLC is committed to helping protect your parental rights. Our Naperville DCFS defense attorney is here to guide you through the process.
Naperville Parenting Plan Attorneys
Helping You Develop a Plan for Your Children's Future
In the midst of filing for divorce, working collaboratively with your soon-to-be ex-spouse to develop a parenting plan (as required under Illinois law) can be an especially daunting task. Within 120 days of filing for divorce, Illinois law requires all parents to file a "parenting plan" that allocates parental responsibilities, including provisions for your children's living arrangements and matters of visitation. Unfortunately, certain parents struggling with the emotional impact of a divorce might not have the best interest of their children in mind when working towards a parenting plan.
Illinois Parenting Plan Requirements
Parenting plans must be very thorough for your children’s benefit. At a minimum, Illinois law requires numerous issues be addressed in a parenting plan.
These requirements include the following provisions:
- An allocation of decision-making responsibilities
- A custody and visitation schedule
- Medical access provisions
- Change of address notice requirements
- Transportation arrangements
- Provisions accounting for future modifications
Creating a parenting plan that is compliant with state law and accurately reflects your wishes can be complicated, so it is highly advisable to work with a Naperville attorney when drafting a plan.

Parenting Plans Can Be Binding
Although you must submit a parenting plan during the early stages of your divorce, your plan can have lasting implications. If you and your ex-spouse agree on a parenting plan, the court is required to accept and abide by the content of that plan provided it is in the best interest of the child. Keep in mind that oral agreements are not binding for any court. Accordingly, do not make concessions you believe are not in your children's best interests. If you cannot agree on a parenting plan, be sure to consult with a Naperville attorney who can help you take advantage of certain deadline extensions. The court may grant you additional time beyond the 120-day deadline to either continue working towards a parenting plan or attend mediation.

Real Reviews From Our Clients
"Helped me keep costs down while still achieving an outcome that was beneficial to me."Former Client
Andres N. -
"Luckily, I had Zach from the Roscich and Martel team to support me every step of the way!"Erika H.
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